Please read the Legal Statement and Terms of Use carefully. Your use of this website and email services is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with our terms and conditions. There are country specific terms and conditions which may also apply to your use of this website, depending on your country of residence. By using this website, you agree and accept all of the terms and conditions, including the processing of your information in accordance with our Privacy Policies and Notices. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, please do not access this website.


The information contained on our website and email services is being made available for the benefit of the present investors in the Contrarius funds disclosed on this website (collectively referred to as “the Funds”) and such other persons expressly authorised by the Funds to receive such information, provided that such investors and other persons are not prohibited under the applicable laws of their citizenship, domicile or residence from receiving such information. No other persons are authorised by the Funds to receive such information.

The Funds are made available by prospectus or other offering or disclosure document(s) specified by applicable law only. Each Fund's prospectus/offering or disclosure document contains important information which you should read carefully before investing.

General Information & Risk Warnings

Investments in the Contrarius Funds involve risk and places your capital at risk. The value of investments may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Contrarius Funds’ share prices fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Returns may decrease or increase as a result of currency fluctuations. There is no guarantee that an investor's capital will be preserved. Where we provide information on past performance of the Funds, such information is not indicative of future performance. The Fund’s fees and expenses may offset any Fund’s gains or income and allocations are subject to change at any time.

Contrarius does not provide investment advice or personal recommendations. You agree to not rely on the information provided by the website as investment advice. You remain solely responsible for any decision to invest in the Funds. Please consider the Funds’ most recent prospectus, Key Investor Information Document, or other offering or disclosure document(s) , and seek your own independent financial advice tailored to your personal circumstances before deciding whether to invest in the Funds. You should not invest in the Funds unless you have fully understood the risks of such investment and independently determined whether the investment is appropriate for you.

Notice of non-solicitation

The information contained on our website is not intended to constitute an offer or solicitation of any securities to any person, and is not intended for distribution to anyone in any jurisdiction where such distribution is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such distribution. By proceeding to access the prospectus/offering or other disclosure document(s) and transaction forms for the Funds, users are representing and warranting that the law of the relevant jurisdiction allows them to access such information. This warning is made in addition to the investment warnings and important notices set out in the prospectus or other offering or disclosure document(s) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Funds are not obliged to issue Fund Shares to any person and reserve the right, in their absolute discretion, to refuse any application for Fund Shares. Persons in receipt of the information contained herein are therefore required to inform themselves about and observe such restrictions.

The distribution of the information contained on our website and the offering of shares in the Funds is restricted in certain jurisdictions. Except as noted below, no action has been taken to permit either the distribution of this information or the offering of any of the shares of the Funds in any jurisdiction where action would be required for such purpose.


Fund units are not being offered, directly or indirectly to the public through our website. The offer to invest in a Contrarius Fund is made through the current Product Disclosure Statement and Reference Guide for the Fund. Disclosure documents for the Australian registered Contrarius Global Equity Fund and Contrarius Global Balanced Fund are issued by Equity Trustees Limited (ABN 46 004 031 298, AFSL No. 240975) (‘Equity Trustees’), as the Fund’s responsible entity or trustee. Equity Trustees is a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited (ABN 22 607 797 615), a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: EQT).

This website has been prepared by Contrarius Investment Management Limited (‘Contrarius’) to provide you with general information only. In preparing this information, we did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. It is not intended to take the place of professional advice and you should not take action on specific issues in reliance on this information. Neither Contrarius, Equity Trustees nor any of its related parties, their employees or directors, provide a warranty of accuracy or reliability in relation to such information or accepts any liability to any person who relies on it. Past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future performance. You should obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about whether to invest in this product.

Australian resident investors should contact Contrarius’ distributor in Australia, Contrarius Investment Advisory Pty Limited, ABN 48 618 145 449, AFSL No. 506315 (‘Contrarius Australia’), at for further information regarding the Fund.

Contrarius Australia’s privacy policy is available from

European Economic Area

Only those sub-funds of Contrarius ICAV (an Irish UCITS fund) that have been notified to the competent authority of a relevant European Economic Area ("EEA") member state will be marketed in the EEA.

South Africa

Contrarius ICAV, comprising its Sub-Funds Contrarius Global Equity Fund and Contrarius Global Balanced Fund, have been approved for marketing in South Africa in terms of section 65 of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 by the South African Registrar of Collective Investment Schemes. South African residents interested in receiving a prospectus or other information on these funds should contact the authorised representative for those funds, Contrarius Investment Services (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd at Contrarius Investment Services (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd is a member of the Association for Savings & Investment South Africa. Contrarius Investment Services (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (FSP48937), Contrarius Investment Management Limited (FSP42707) and Contrarius Investment Advisory Limited (FSP53817) are authorised financial services providers with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of South Africa in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (“FAIS”).

United Kingdom

Relevant sections of the website are approved for issue in the United Kingdom by Contrarius Investment Advisory Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 22 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LS. Contrarius ICAV is a recognised collective investment scheme under Section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act, 2000 of the United Kingdom, and the ICAV is therefore permitted by the Financial Conduct Authority to be distributed in the United Kingdom. The ICAV is available in the United Kingdom. Recognition or other approval does not mean that the regulator has determined that the ICAV is suitable for all investors. You should not invest in the Funds unless you have fully understood the risks of such investment and independently determined whether the investment is appropriate for you. In connection with the ICAV’s recognition under section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act, 2000, the ICAV maintains in the United Kingdom the facilities required of a recognised scheme pursuant to the rules contained in the Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook published by the Financial Conduct Authority. The office of the UK Facilities Agent is at: 42 Brook Street, London, W1K 5DB. At these facilities a person may:

  1. Inspect (free of charge) a copy (in English) of:
    1. The registration order and IOI;
    2. The latest version of the Prospectus;
    3. The latest versions of the Key Investor Information Documents for the relevant Fund;
    4. The latest annual and half-yearly reports most recently prepared and published by the ICAV;
  2. Obtain a copy of the any of the above documents (free of charge);
  3. Obtain information (in English) about the prices of Shares in the ICAV;
  4. Submit redemption requests which the UK Facilities Agent will transmit to the Administrator of the ICAV; and
  5. Make a complaint about the operation of the ICAV, which the UK Facilities Agent will transmit to the ICAV.

Further details on these facilities are set out under “UK Facilities Agent” on page 12 of Contrarius ICAV’s Prospectus. Most or all of the protection provided by the United Kingdom regulatory structure will not apply. The rights of Shareholders may not be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme established in the United Kingdom.

United States of America

The information posted on our website is not intended and in no circumstances should it be regarded as an offer of sale of the Funds in the United States or to U.S. persons. Any offer and sale of Fund shares made in the United States will be made only in full compliance with US securities laws. Neither the Fund Shares nor the Funds themselves have been registered under any United States securities legislation and, except in a transaction which does not violate such legislation or require the registration of the Funds, the Fund Shares are not being offered, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America or in any of its territories or possessions or areas subject to its jurisdiction or to citizens or persons thereof. Any offer and sale of Fund shares made in the United States will be made only in full compliance with US securities laws.


This website provides general information for the benefit of the present Investors in the Funds and such other persons expressly authorised by the Funds to receive such information, provided that such investors and other persons are not prohibited under the applicable laws of their citizenship, domicile or residence from receiving such information. No other persons are authorised by the Funds to receive such information. It may not be complete and up to date for your purposes. It is not intended as financial advice or as an offer, solicitation or recommendation of securities or other financial products. Only investors with appropriate knowledge and experience to evaluate the applicable merits and risks should consider an investment in the instruments discussed herein. If in doubt, you should obtain independent financial advice that addresses your particular investment objectives, financial situation and needs before making investment decisions. The information and materials contained on this website, including all terms, conditions, and descriptions are subject to change.

Our website is made available to you for your personal use only. The Funds and their agents (collectively "Contrarius") will provide you and your authorised users who agree to abide by our terms of use, as amended from time to time, with access to our website. Our terms of use in effect from time to time constitute the agreement between Contrarius, you and any users you have authorised relating to the access to our website. If you and your authorised users are provided with usernames and passwords, then you and your authorised users are solely responsible for protecting those usernames and passwords from disclosure to third parties and are not permitted to avoid the use of required encryption technologies. You must provide current, accurate identification, contact, and other information that may be required as part of the classification and/or registration process and/or continued use of our website. You will be liable for all losses that occur if your usernames or passwords are used to access services whether or not you authorized such use. You agree to discontinue use of our website if requested, for any security reasons cited by Contrarius.

The information provided in any e-mail sent by Contrarius is provided to the recipient only and for the information purposes of the recipient only. Such information is not intended for, may not, without the express consent of Contrarius, be distributed to, and may not be relied upon by, any other party, including without limitation, any advisory or other client of the recipient. Any such information will not constitute and may not be construed as (i) an offer to sell, or an invitation to purchase securities issued by any Fund or (ii) the provision of investment advice. Contrarius reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time without notice for any reason.

You agree that you are responsible for your own communications and for any consequences thereof. You agree that you will use our website in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence. You shall not, shall not agree to, and shall not authorize or encourage any third party to: (i) use our website to upload, transmit or otherwise distribute any content that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, obscene, contains viruses, or is otherwise objectionable as reasonably determined by Contrarius; (ii) upload, transmit or otherwise distribute content that infringes upon another party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary, contractual or fiduciary rights or obligations; (iii) prevent others from using our website; or (iv) use our website for any fraudulent or inappropriate purpose. Violation of any of the foregoing may result in immediate termination of access to our website and/or e-mail services, and may subject you to other legal consequences. Contrarius reserves the right to investigate your use of our website in order to determine whether a violation of our terms of use has occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.


The website's purpose is only to provide general information or factual information regarding your investment with Contrarius (if applicable). The website does not take into account your particular circumstances, investment objectives or the investment needs of any user. The information in our website or the content provided through e-mail services, including, without limitation, all research, opinions or other content, is not intended to, nor does it, constitute financial, accounting, tax, legal, investment, consulting or other professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action which might affect your personal finances or business you should consult your own professional advisors.

The information and content contained on our website or received through e-mail services is relevant as of the dates expressly stated therein and no implication is being made that there has been no change in such information subsequent to such dates. The information is subject to change without notice.

Changes are periodically made to the information on our website or the content provided through e-mail services and these changes will be incorporated in new editions of our website. Contrarius expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to alter or amend any criteria or information set out in our website without notice.

Our website may now, or hereafter from time to time contain certain statements or information with respect to the projection of revenues, income, earnings per share, capital expenditures, dividends, capital structure, or other financial items; or the plans, objectives and/or projections of Contrarius for future operations; or future economic performance. Contrarius wishes to caution you that such projections are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially. Contrarius is an active manager and any statement that relates to a specific issuer should not be treated as a representation that Contrarius is pursuing any particular trading strategy. In particular, where the website or the content received through e-mail services provides commentary on securities, financial instruments, indices, financial products or indicators, or economic conditions, it is done in the context of investment decisions for the Funds. It is not intended to be, and it should not be construed as, a recommendation to (or not to) deal in the particular security, index or financial instrument. Contrarius may be buying or selling any securities or other financial instrument discussed.


Our website, content provided through e-mail services and the information contained therein are provided "as is" and your use of our website and the information contained therein is entirely at your own risk. You assume full responsibility and risk of loss for the investment decisions, results obtained, regulatory reports and statements produced using our website and the information contained therein, including your account information. Neither Contrarius, its affiliated companies, holding companies, subsidiaries or subsidiaries of its holding companies, or their shareholders, agents, consultants, officers, directors or employees will be liable for any damages whatsoever relating to the use of our website or the information contained therein, including, without limitation any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, whether in an action arising out of contract, statute, wrongful conduct or otherwise.

Contrarius expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. Any warranty implied by law is hereby excluded except to the extent such exclusion would be unlawful. Contrarius disclaims all liability from the availability, timeliness, security or reliability of our website, e-mail services and the information contained therein. Contrarius will not be responsible or liable for the exercise or non-exercise of its rights under these terms.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing: (i) Contrarius does not warrant that our website, the content provided through e-mail services or information contained therein will be error-free or will meet any particular criteria of accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, performance or quality; and (ii) while Contrarius has taken reasonable measures to ensure the integrity of our website, the content provided through e-mail services and the information contained therein, no warranty, whether express or implied is given that any files, downloads or applications available via our website are free of viruses, trojans, time-locks or any other data or code that has the ability to corrupt or affect the operation of your system.

Modification of Terms of Use

Contrarius reserves the right to suspend, terminate or modify our website, e-mail services or these terms of use at any time without notice. Any changes to the Terms of Use will appear in this document, which you can access at any time by selecting the "Legal Statement" hyperlink displayed on our website. Your usage of our website after the changed terms of use have been posted, will constitute your acceptance of the changed terms of use.

Ownership & Copyright

Contrarius maintains all copyrights in the text, graphic images and logos contained in this website. You may download or print hard copy of individual pages and/or sections of the Contrarius website provided you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. Any download or copy from the Contrarius website will not transfer title to any software or material from Contrarius. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the Contrarius website without Contrarius’ prior written consent.

Without derogating from the foregoing, Contrarius hereby authorises you to view, copy, download to a local drive, print and distribute the content of our website, or any part thereof, provided that: (i) such content is used for your information purposes only; (ii) such content is used for non-commercial purposes and you and your authorised users are expressly prohibited from incorporating any material of Contrarius proprietary material from our website or provided through e-mail services in any other work, publication or website either of your own or belonging to any third party; and (iii) any reproduction of Contrarius proprietary material from our website or portion thereof must include this notice in its entirety.

The trademarks and logos displayed on our website are registered and unregistered trademarks of their owners. Nothing contained on our website or in content provided through email services should be construed as granting any licence right to use any trademark without written consent of the owner thereof. No right, title or interest in any proprietary material contained in our website is granted to you hereunder.

Third party sites

The Contrarius website may contain external links to third party websites for your convenience. Contrarius makes no representation or endorsement as to their content. Your use of or reliance on any external links provided is at your own risk.

Permission for hyperlinks

No person shall be entitled to link to a website or any web pages of this website without prior written consent of Contrarius.

Privacy, Confidentiality & Information Security

Contrarius subscribes to internationally recognised standards of personal privacy protection, complying with the requirement of the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. Please refer to for further details and guidance. We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. Even though we have taken significant steps to ensure that your personal information is not misused, you should know that we cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with personal information.

In order to provide its services to users, Contrarius shall process any personal data it holds in accordance with its Privacy Policies and Notices and applicable data protection legislation and may use agents and other third-parties in Jersey and elsewhere to hold or process personal data or other confidential information. As a user and party to these terms it is an express term that you agree to the transfer, holding and processing of such personal data and other confidential information in this way and agree that your use of this website is subject to the Contrarius Privacy Policies and Notices. Contrarius does not sell, rent, loan, trade or lease any personal information collected, including application forms, financial data or email addresses.

Contrarius will disclose otherwise confidential personal data and confidential information if it is compelled to do so by laws and regulations applicable to it and/or its agents, and whether in Jersey or elsewhere.

The use of cookies

We use cookies and similar tools on our website to improve its performance and enhance user experience. Cookies are small text files which a website may put on your computer when you first visit a site or page. The cookie will help our website to recognise your device the next time you visit, thus improving your experience of our website. We use the term "cookies" in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

The Contrarius website uses two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies:

This cookie policy applies to our website, mobile applications and emails and forms part of our Privacy Notice.

We reserve the right to update this cookie policy. Any changes will be posted within this page and become effective immediately. Continued use of our website constitutes your agreement to all such updates. If you require any further information about Contrarius' use of cookies, please contact us.

Third Party Analytics

From time to time, the Contrarius website may use web analytics service providers, for instance Google Analytics, to help Contrarius analyse how users use the website. Third-party cookies from Google are used in these instances which allows us to recognise, measure and track users of the website. The information collected includes the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they have visited. This helps us improve the way the website works, for example, by determining whether visitors can find information easily or by identifying aspects of the website that are of the most interest to them.

More information on “How Google uses data” can be found here:

Information concerning the terms and conditions of use and data privacy can be found here:

Blocking Cookies

You can choose to accept or decline the usage of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Cookie settings typically are found in the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ menu of your browser. You can prevent Google’s collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available here:

However, if you decline the use or prevent the usage of cookies on your browser, you may encounter problems browsing our website.

For more information about cookies and how cookie regulation affects you, please visit:


"MSCI" is a trademark of MSCI Inc. and is used by Contrarius Group under licence. The MSCI information (1) may not be redistributed or used as a component of a financial product or index; (2) does not constitute investment advice; and (3) is provided on an "as is" basis with each of its users assuming the risk of his/her use. MSCI and related parties expressly disclaim all warranties (including, without limitation, any warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose) with respect to this information. None of those parties shall have any liability for any damages (whether direct or otherwise).

J.P. Morgan Global Government Bond Index (the “GBI Global Index”): Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but J.P. Morgan does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. The GBI Global Index is used with permission. Copyright 2024, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. The 60/40 Index may not be copied, used, or distributed without prior written approval.

Average Fund data source is Morningstar Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Morningstar information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.

The FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index and FTSE/JSE All Bond Index are calculated by FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”) in conjunction with the JSE Limited (“JSE”) in accordance with standard criteria. The FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index and FTSE/JSE All Bond Index are the proprietary information of FTSE and the JSE. All copyright subsisting in the values and constituent lists of the FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index and FTSE/JSE All Bond Index vests in FTSE and the JSE jointly. All their rights are reserved.

Benchmarks and indexes are shown for illustrative purposes only, may not be available for direct investment, are unmanaged, assume reinvestment of income, and have limitations when used for comparison purposes because they may have volatility, credit, or other material characteristics (such as number and types of securities) that are different from the Funds.

Transmission of Information

Your attention is drawn to the fact that information transmitted via the Internet, including without limitation e-mail, is susceptible to monitoring and interception. Contrarius disclaims any liability for the interception or monitoring of, or access to, such information by any person. Contrarius requests that no unsolicited confidential or proprietary information be sent to Contrarius. Any such unsolicited information or material sent to Contrarius will be deemed not to be confidential, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Contrarius.

Your Account

Adding your investment account to your user profile or requesting account information constitutes and shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the following terms:

You and your authorised users agree to observe the remote access operating standards and procedures and username or other password control requirements and other security procedures as may be issued from time to time by Contrarius for you to access your account.

You and your authorised users are exclusively responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Contrarius user profile, password, account numbers and any other personal or security information required to access your account.

The linking of your account information to your user profile on our website will involve the transmission and storage of personal or security data including account numbers and personal identification numbers. You agree to notify Contrarius without delay if you have reason to believe that others may have gained unauthorised access to your personal user profile or other personal data. For more information please see the Privacy Policy.

We will presume any person that possess the required information to pass through all security measures to be you or your authorised representative. You agree that all information that you may provide to us and the Fund Administrators is complete and true and the telephone number and e-mail address at which you may be reached to discuss any correspondence submitted to us via our website or by email is valid and current. You also agree to advise us promptly of any changes in your personal information.

Apex Fund Services (Ireland) Limited in Ireland is the administrator of Contrarius ICAV. BNP Securities Services in Australia is the administrator of the Australia registered Contrarius Global Equity Fund and Contrarius Global Balanced Fund. Boutique Collective Investments is the administrator of the Contrarius BCI South Africa Funds and BCI Contrarius Feeder Funds. The administrators are the initial source of most of your account information provided on our website. This information is input into a Contrarius database and accessed from that database for use by our website. Other information is developed by Contrarius. There may be periods when your account information is inaccessible, or when delays, omissions or inaccuracies occur in your account information provided on our website. You agree to advise us promptly if you are aware of any discrepancies in the information we hold for you.

You agree to use your user profile information only in connection with the proper purposes of our Terms of Use. You will not, and will cause your authorised users not to: (i) permit any third party to use our website to access your account; (ii) sell, rent, license or otherwise use your account information on our website in the operation of a service bureau or for any purpose other than as expressly authorised; (iii) use your account information on our website for any other fund, trust or other investment vehicle without the prior written consent of Contrarius; or (iv) allow or cause any information transmitted from Contrarius’ databases, including data from third party sources, available through use of our website, to be published, redistributed or retransmitted for other than use for or on behalf of yourself, as a member of Contrarius.

General Provisions

Any views expressed reflect the current views of Contrarius and do not necessarily represent the view of any other members of the Contrarius Group. The views expressed may change without notice or liability.

Contrarius maintains the highest possible professional standards in its dealings with clients and complies with, and expects its clients to comply with, all relevant laws including those relating to money laundering.

Contrarius and/or its appointed agents reserve the right to record telephone conversations. Access to records is highly restrictive.

You and your authorised users may not assign or delegate any of your rights or obligations under our terms of use without the prior written consent of Contrarius, which consent may be withheld in its absolute and sole discretion. Any purported assignment or delegation without such consent shall be null and void. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to confer any third party rights or benefits.

These terms of use, your rights and obligations, and all actions contemplated by these terms of use (and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them), shall be governed by the laws of Jersey, as if these terms of use were a contract wholly entered into and wholly performed within Jersey.

If any provision in these terms of use is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

Website operator

With the exception of fund specific pages and fund specific information which are operated and maintained by the relevant Contrarius Group entity as set out below, this website is operated and issued by Contrarius Investment Management Limited, a private company incorporated in Jersey (Company No. 100697) and is authorised and regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission (Reference No. FSB1906) for the purpose of carrying on funds services business. Correspondence in relation to Contrarius Investment Management Limited's business can be addressed to 2 Bond Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3NP, Channel Islands or

With the exception of fund specific pages and fund specific information which are operated and maintained by the relevant Contrarius Group entity as set out below, this website constitutes a financial services advertisement within the meaning of the Financial Services (Advertising) (Jersey) Order 2008 (the 'Order') and Contrarius Investment Management Limited is the issuer of such advertisement for the purposes of the Order.


If you are resident in South Africa, the following terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the above terms and conditions, which shall be equally applicable.

Terms of use: Contrarius Investment Services (South Africa) (Pty) Limited and its subsidiaries, affiliates, principals and employees (“Contrarius South Africa” or “us” or “we”) do not, subject to applicable law, guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness, completeness or suitability of any information or data made available to you through this website. The information contained on this website is compiled for the convenience of website visitors and is accepted by the website visitor on the condition, where permitted by applicable law, that errors or omissions (apart from errors and omissions caused by willful intent or gross negligence) shall not be made the basis for any claim, demand or cause of action. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of Contrarius South Africa nor do they constitute investment, tax, legal or any other advice. You must speak to a financial advisor or other appropriate professional advisor if you wish to obtain investment advice. The views reflected herein are subject to change without notice. We will use reasonable endeavours to update the information contained on this website but we are under no obligation to update the content of this website except where required by regulation or applicable law. Contrarius South Africa reserves the right to modify or amend these Terms of use at any time, for example to comply with new or updated laws or regulations. You agree to monitor these Terms of use and to cease all access or use of this website if you no longer agree to abide by the Terms of use. Your continued use of the website shall constitute acceptance of any modifications. Information on this website may be provided in more than one language. By continuing to use this website you are consenting to us communicating to you in this way.

We may modify, withdraw or deny access to this website at any time.

Information contained on this website is published in good faith and while Contrarius South Africa takes reasonable steps to ensure its accuracy, subject to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, for the information provided on this website. The use of this website is at your own risk. Where permitted by applicable law, Contrarius South Africa will not be liable (except for damages or injuries arising out of Contrarius South Africa’s willful intent or gross negligence) for any damages or injuries arising out of your use of any such information or data, including without limitation, damages relating to any (i) error, omission, interruption, information being out of date, delay in operation or transmission, (ii) computer virus, worm, “trojan horse” or other malicious software, (iii) failure or defect in any communication facilities, hardware or software, (iv) theft and destruction or unauthorised access to, alteration of, or use of information, or (v) damages or injuries arising from links to other websites.

Decisions based on information contained on this website are the sole responsibility of the user, and in exchange for using this website, the user agrees to hold Contrarius South Africa harmless against any claims for damages arising from any decisions the user makes based on such information.

The services, investments or products referred to on this website are not available to persons resident in any jurisdiction where such availability or distribution would be contrary to local law or regulation. This website is designed for information purposes only and, subject to applicable law, does not constitute a solicitation, a recommendation or offer by Contrarius South Africa to buy or sell any securities, futures, options or other financial instruments or to provide any investment advice or service. Visitors should not use this website as their sole source of information on investments.

You should not rely on the information contained in this website to make any investment. Whilst we try and ensure the information contained on the website is accurate and up to date, we cannot be responsible for any inaccuracies in the information. Any application for our products should be made only after consultation with your legal, tax and financial advisors and review of the applicable prospectus, Key Investor Information Document, Key Information Document, Minimum Disclosure Document & General Investor Reports or other offering or disclosure document(s) and terms and conditions applicable to such products. You should not invest in the Contrarius Funds (the “Funds”) unless you have fully understood the risks of such investment and independently determined whether the investment is appropriate for you. Any information, including the prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents, Key Information Document, Minimum Disclosure Document & General Investor Report or other offering or disclosure document(s), in respect of applications can be obtained from the local office or local representative of Contrarius.

Investments in the Funds involve risk and places your capital at risk. The value of investments may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Fund share prices fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Returns may decrease or increase as a result of currency fluctuations. There is no guarantee that an investor's capital will be preserved. Where we provide information on past performance of the Funds, such information is not indicative of future performance. The Fund’s fees and expenses may offset any Fund’s gains or income and allocations are subject to change at any time.

Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. Potential investors should seek their own financial and tax advice.

Contrarius Investment Management Limited (“Contrarius”) (FSP42707) is an authorized financial services provider with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of South Africa in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 (“FAIS”). Contrarius Investment Services (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (“Contrarius South Africa”) (FSP48937) is an authorized financial services provider with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of South Africa in terms of FAIS, and is a member of ASISA. Contrarius and Contrarius South Africa are not authorized to and do not provide financial advice. In providing investment management services to the Contrarius South Africa Funds, Contrarius South Africa utilises research and advice from Contrarius Investment Advisory Limited. Contrarius Investment Advisory Limited (FSP53817) is an authorized financial services provider with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of South Africa in terms of FAIS. No information contained on this website should be construed or relied upon, as advice. If you require financial and/or investment advice, please engage the services of an independent financial adviser.

Fund Information

Contrarius BCI South Africa Funds

Boutique Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“BCI”) is approved by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) . BCI is registered Manager of the Boutique Collective Investments Scheme, approved in terms of the Collective Investments Schemes Control Act, No 45 of 2002 (“CISCA”) and is a full member of the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (“ASISA”). Contrarius BCI SA Equity Fund, Contrarius BCI Equity Fund and Contrarius BCI Balanced (together, “Contrarius BCI South Africa Funds”) are co-named portfolios of the Boutique Collective Investment Scheme. BCI has appointed Contrarius South Africa as Investment Manager of the Contrarius BCI South Africa Funds. While the Manager appointed Contrarius South Africa as its authorised agent to solicit investment and to manage the co-named funds, the Manager retains full legal responsibility for the co-named funds. The relationship between the Manager and Investment Manager is governed by CISCA, the scheme deed, and formal written agreements. South African residents interested in receiving information on the Contrarius BCI South Africa Funds should contact the Investment Manager, Contrarius South Africa at

BCI Contrarius Feeder Funds

BCI Contrarius Global Equity Feeder Fund and BCI Contrarius Global Balanced Feeder Funds (together, “BCI Contrarius Feeder Funds”) are co-named portfolios of the Boutique Collective Investment Scheme. BCI is the Manager and Investment Manager of the BCI Contrarius Feeder Funds. A feeder fund is an investment vehicle that invests in a single portfolio of a CIS scheme and levies its own charges, which could result in a higher fee structure for investors in the feeder fund. South African residents interested in information on the BCI Contrarius Feeder Funds the Manager at, or the authorised representative of the BCI Contrarius Feeder Funds, Contrarius South Africa at

Contrarius ICAV

Contrarius ICAV, comprising its Sub-Funds Contrarius Global Equity Fund and Contrarius Global Balanced Fund, have been approved for marketing in South Africa in terms of section 65 of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 by the South African Registrar of Collective Investment Schemes. Contrarius Investment Management Limited is the appointed investment manager of Contrarius ICAV. South African residents interested in receiving a prospectus or other information on these funds should contact the authorised representative for those funds, Contrarius South Africa at

Collective Investment Schemes (“CIS”) are generally medium- to long-term investments. The value of units may go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily a reliable indicator of future performance. Movements in exchange rates may also cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down. It is therefore important to understand the risks involved before investing. Contrarius provides no guarantee with respect to capital or the Funds returns. It is therefore important to understand the risks involved before investing. The Funds are priced daily. Funds may be closed to new investments at any time in order for them to be managed according to their mandates. CIS are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. Commissions and incentives may be paid by investors to third parties and, if so, would be included in the overall cost. A schedule of fees, charges and maximum commissions is available on request, at no charge, from Contrarius. The Funds may invest in foreign securities. Depending on their markets, trading in those securities may carry risks relating to, among others, macroeconomic and political circumstances, constraints on liquidity or the repatriation of funds, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, taxation and trade settlement.

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While Contrarius South Africa takes all reasonable, appropriate, and technical safety measures to protect your personal data, we offer no guarantee that your personal data will be protected from unauthorized access, in the realm of cyberspace. You agree that you input your personal data on this website voluntarily, consensually and at your own risk. You agree that Contrarius South Africa will not be held liable for any unauthorised access to your personal data captured on this website. In terms of applicable data protection laws in the Republic of South Africa, you have the right to access your personal data stored on this website or have incorrect personal data contained on this website corrected. Please contact Contrarius South Africa should you wish to access or correct your personal data captured by you and displayed on this website.


Should you have any complaints pertaining to any information, images or audio material contained on this website, you may lodge a formal complaint to contact Contrarius South Africa. Please refer to our Complaints Policy on this website for more information, in respect of lodging a formal complaint with us. Please note that Contrarius South Africa is an authorised financial services provider, registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002. Please be advised that should you be unsatisfied that your complaint was resolved satisfactorily, you may lodge a formal complaint with the Office of the Ombud for Financial Services Providers in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 read with the proceedings outlined in Board Notice 81 of 2003.

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